bar reviews

Yes, I'm a booze-hag. I like bars. I like alcohol, especially cocktails. I like the feeling of community and the warm friendly vibe you get from stepping into a good bar.  I pay close attention to the music because it creates the atmosphere. It is the blank canvas of the room, something to tap your feet to when you're not conversing with someone, just sitting there sipping on your Old Fashioned like its back in fashion. I like chatting to the person behind the wood and the rest of the staff who turn drinking alcohol into an experience. Ah yes, the art of a bartender is exactly that, an art. It's not just a job, it's a passion. A passion and respect for the industry, the history and for each other.

The odd obsession of reviewing bars (mostly in my mind, but sometimes on paper) actually landed me a job writing reviews for a bar finding app called BarChick, featuring awesome bars all over the world.  This app has led me to the funky, independent, "entrance through a laundromat" kind of places I like, none of this franchise BS. 

So, I was the Vancouver BarChick for a while, which I must admit was pretty awesome. It helped that I actually worked in the industry there too as there's lots happening in Vancity. It's definitely worth the visit if you enjoy imbibing. Even though I've moved back to Perth, with the boom in bars opening up here, there and everywhere, I don't think I'll get too bored. I'm gonna review the shit out of them.


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