Sunday 30 December 2012

all aboard the bergen railway!

The train from Oslo to Bergen has to be one of the best things I've ever done.  The scenery is absolutely breathtaking! I took so many photos I think I spent the whole time glued to my eyepiece and I can't even explain how different the landscape is, especially compared to Australia. It's just incredible. 

The Bergen railway is one of the steepest and most scenic in the world. Not only is the scenery to die for, but it also took us through parts of seemingly inhabitable countryside you’d never see on a plane.

It was a perfect day for the trip. We left just before sunrise and had clear skies with a full moon to watch fade away as the day began. There were just enough wispy clouds in the air for some stunning sunrise photos and only in the last hour of the trip did the sky turn grey.  We were pretty lucky considering they forecasted snow! 

The dense cover of pine trees that dominated the mountains were broken by huge frozen lakes and steep cliffs every now and then and little brightly coloured Norwegian cottages dotted the terrain. Some were in the most isolated areas and looked as though they could be in the direct path of an avalanche if one were to unfold.

I thoroughly enjoyed this ride and would highly recommend it to anyone wanting to travel between major cities in Norway. It most certainly beats flying and I'm sure it would be equally as unbelievable in the summer!


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